Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Quinoa = Meat?!

Wise words of the day: A kiss is not a kiss without the heart!
Not many know what the quinoa (keen-wah) is...well I am here to educate you my kiddies! Quinoa is a grain that well know for its edible seeds. The nutrition in the quinoa is equivalent to dark green leafy veggies (spinach, tumbleweeds, etc.). It is considered a protein because it is full of amino acids, which is about 12-18% protein. Quinoa is also a good source of fiber, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. So for vegetarians like me or even vegans this is the answer to the lack of protein in our diet.

Take a closer look at quinoa!

Here are some delicious recipes for quinoa! (Click on names for recipes)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Turkey Day Two Days Away!

Wise Words of the Day: The eyes believe themselves; the ears believe other people.

So it's only two days away from Thanksgiving and I am extremely excited. I cannot wait to indulge myself in a warm heartfelt meal with my family. I am looking forward to cornbread, sweet potato and pumpkin pie, baked macaroni and cheese, collard greens, and my all time favorite corn meal!

Although its a wonderful time to spend with family, people are looking forward to BLACK FRIDAY for early Christmas shopping. I thought it would be interesting to share the definition of Black Friday with you all. Black Friday has close ties to the financial crisis on September 24, 1869 that was caused by James Fish and Jay Gould. They were trying to corner the gold market on he New York Gold Exchange which caused the financial panic in the U.S.  Prices raised quickly and the stocks plummeted because Gould began to buy large stocks on gold.  President Ulysses Grant realized what these two guys were doing and decided to sell about $4 million in gold. Investors then started selling their gold which stopped the processes of corrupting the gold market. Hope you enjoyed your short history lesson.

Happy Thanksgiving Blogettes!


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Back & Fully Action Packed!

Wise words of the day:  Keep your eyes open, you never know what you might see!

Lately I have been running around like a mad woman. From rehearsals, photoshoots, sessions, school and more. I can say I am no Superwoman but I'm fully loaded and you can say I am action packed, lol. The girls and I are preparing to do shows for the top of the year. We are also working with many talented producers and writers this time around. What I must say all of our new material is HOT! We are coming out like MONSTERS! New music will be up on the blog very soon. Until then continue to support us on www.ReverbNation.com/DakiraAve

Signing off blogettes!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Its November!

Wise words of the day: Some pursue happiness, you CREATE it!

I am completely excited that today is the first day of November. I will be counting the days until Thanksgiving. With my family Thanksgiving is all about caribbean style food and lots of it! My mouth is already drooling for cornmeal, sweet potato pie and pumpkin pie.

Signing off blogettes!

23 days until Turkey Day!