Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Turkey Day Two Days Away!

Wise Words of the Day: The eyes believe themselves; the ears believe other people.

So it's only two days away from Thanksgiving and I am extremely excited. I cannot wait to indulge myself in a warm heartfelt meal with my family. I am looking forward to cornbread, sweet potato and pumpkin pie, baked macaroni and cheese, collard greens, and my all time favorite corn meal!

Although its a wonderful time to spend with family, people are looking forward to BLACK FRIDAY for early Christmas shopping. I thought it would be interesting to share the definition of Black Friday with you all. Black Friday has close ties to the financial crisis on September 24, 1869 that was caused by James Fish and Jay Gould. They were trying to corner the gold market on he New York Gold Exchange which caused the financial panic in the U.S.  Prices raised quickly and the stocks plummeted because Gould began to buy large stocks on gold.  President Ulysses Grant realized what these two guys were doing and decided to sell about $4 million in gold. Investors then started selling their gold which stopped the processes of corrupting the gold market. Hope you enjoyed your short history lesson.

Happy Thanksgiving Blogettes!


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