Monday, November 1, 2010

Its November!

Wise words of the day: Some pursue happiness, you CREATE it!

I am completely excited that today is the first day of November. I will be counting the days until Thanksgiving. With my family Thanksgiving is all about caribbean style food and lots of it! My mouth is already drooling for cornmeal, sweet potato pie and pumpkin pie.

Signing off blogettes!

23 days until Turkey Day!

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, I am so happy to hear that someone else loves November as much as I do. Yesterday, even though it was dark and dreary, is my very favorite type of November day. The leaves are falling, the ground is covered with beautiful colored leaves, the trees are somewhat bare, the air is crisp, the hodiay mood is all around us you...........I know that I will be hugging and kissing all of the people in my family very soon. And, what about all of that wonderful food that we are about to consume. Don't get me wrong I do not like too many of those overcast days in a row, one every once in a while is very "Novebmery" to me. In fact, this, autumn, is my favorite season. Can you attach some of your music with your group to this blog? Or have you done so already? How is your singing group doing? Where will you be performing? Dr. Ries
