Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Quinoa = Meat?!

Wise words of the day: A kiss is not a kiss without the heart!
Not many know what the quinoa (keen-wah) is...well I am here to educate you my kiddies! Quinoa is a grain that well know for its edible seeds. The nutrition in the quinoa is equivalent to dark green leafy veggies (spinach, tumbleweeds, etc.). It is considered a protein because it is full of amino acids, which is about 12-18% protein. Quinoa is also a good source of fiber, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. So for vegetarians like me or even vegans this is the answer to the lack of protein in our diet.

Take a closer look at quinoa!

Here are some delicious recipes for quinoa! (Click on names for recipes)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Turkey Day Two Days Away!

Wise Words of the Day: The eyes believe themselves; the ears believe other people.

So it's only two days away from Thanksgiving and I am extremely excited. I cannot wait to indulge myself in a warm heartfelt meal with my family. I am looking forward to cornbread, sweet potato and pumpkin pie, baked macaroni and cheese, collard greens, and my all time favorite corn meal!

Although its a wonderful time to spend with family, people are looking forward to BLACK FRIDAY for early Christmas shopping. I thought it would be interesting to share the definition of Black Friday with you all. Black Friday has close ties to the financial crisis on September 24, 1869 that was caused by James Fish and Jay Gould. They were trying to corner the gold market on he New York Gold Exchange which caused the financial panic in the U.S.  Prices raised quickly and the stocks plummeted because Gould began to buy large stocks on gold.  President Ulysses Grant realized what these two guys were doing and decided to sell about $4 million in gold. Investors then started selling their gold which stopped the processes of corrupting the gold market. Hope you enjoyed your short history lesson.

Happy Thanksgiving Blogettes!


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Back & Fully Action Packed!

Wise words of the day:  Keep your eyes open, you never know what you might see!

Lately I have been running around like a mad woman. From rehearsals, photoshoots, sessions, school and more. I can say I am no Superwoman but I'm fully loaded and you can say I am action packed, lol. The girls and I are preparing to do shows for the top of the year. We are also working with many talented producers and writers this time around. What I must say all of our new material is HOT! We are coming out like MONSTERS! New music will be up on the blog very soon. Until then continue to support us on www.ReverbNation.com/DakiraAve

Signing off blogettes!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Its November!

Wise words of the day: Some pursue happiness, you CREATE it!

I am completely excited that today is the first day of November. I will be counting the days until Thanksgiving. With my family Thanksgiving is all about caribbean style food and lots of it! My mouth is already drooling for cornmeal, sweet potato pie and pumpkin pie.

Signing off blogettes!

23 days until Turkey Day!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Want to look younger?

Wise words of the day: If everyone is a worm you should be a glow worm!

We are all interested in finding ways to look a tab bit younger...so I did a little research and discovered that most people say the following:

1.  Cutting your hair shorter and putting highlights brings that more funky edge and fun look which gives you the free young appearance because it lifts and defines all your exotic features.

2.  There is nothing like a great workout. Walking, running, etc for about 45 minutes to an hour is the most healthiest thing that you can do for yourself. Not only does it shed some years on ya', but it also builds your metabolism and circulation.  There is nothing like meeting an older person who is more toned and defined and looks much younger than an average 20-30 year old.

3. One of my favorite things to do to look young and fresh is keeping my eyebrows up to par. Having perfectly arched brows does wonders to the face. It give great definition to the face and when filled with a brow pencil it fills those spacey areas, giving your face a glow.

4. Something that I have recently learned from Yahoo.com is putting your eye cream in the fridge. I never tried it but supposedly feels more refreshing when cold cream is placed on the eye because it "constricts the blood vessels and helps swelling."

Ok blogettes try these four steps and you and everyone else around you will notice that special young glow you have.

Signing off blogettes!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Newest Member of Sesame!

Wise words of the day: When you can't naturally feel upbeat it can sometimes help you to act as if you did.

Sesame Street recently spoke about a ethnical issue most people of color face, course hair. For centuries little girls of color have had some kind of issue with the texture of their hair because it is has tight curls which make it quite difficult to make it straight. Every little girl wants long straight hair that they can swing around like Barbie. This episode allows African American girls the opportunity to themselves and hair in the media. 

You may ask how did Sesame Street think of such a controversial topic? I'm here to tell you that the head writer Joey Mazzarino and wife adopted a little girl from Ethiopia. Recently they faced issues in reference to their skin tone and hair texture. Joey noticed that his daughter would put wigs long  blonde wigs so that she can be just like her mother and Barbie. Joey noticed that actor and executive producer Chris Rock released a film called Good Hair and realized that this issue of hair is bigger than his daughter, it is an issue that the race also has within themselves. As the head writer of Sesame Street,  Joey did something that his daughter and the other billions of African American little girls and women would appreciate. He contacted and spoke with Kevin Clash,voice of Elmo, to put together the idea and write a song about hair for the African American population. They decided to hire Chantylia "Chauncey" Johnson, as the voice of our newest friend to Sesame Street. Chantylia played Nala on the Broadway play "The Lion King"

       Kevin Clash & Elmo

The character based on his daughter sings, "whether in a clip or bow...or let it sit in a afro. My hair looks good in a cornrow..I love my hair!" The puppet also is shown in different styles like dreadlocks, barrettes, cornrows and a cute curly afro." I love the message Sesame Street has made for girls like me and the other billion little girls who once wished their hair was as long and straight like Barbie.

Signing off blogettes!

Check out "I Love My Hair" below!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Gone for a min!

Wise Words of the Day: We can't change the direction of the wind but we can change the sail.

Hello Blogettes!

I know I've been gone for a minute but now I'm back in full speed ready to go. These past couple of weeks have been so difficult I practically didn't have time to even breathe. Let me inform you what I had laid out on my agenda. I had to prepare for my hotshot with the girls, study for midterms, complete projects, attend and support my brothers at their football game and work.

The photo shoot with my girls went very well. Our stylist, make-up artist and hair stylist were all awesome. Could you believe the photo shoot was set for a certain date and we were still stressed that we did not have the proper funds to pay for it all. In a matter of a day we (the girls and I) were able to pay our stylist to go shopping, pay the make-up artist and get our hair done all in less than one 24hours?! Let's just say my passion for my music has swept me away from my other priorities.

Don't forget that I am a full time student and all my assignments seem to be chasing after me. The amount of stress I have encountered to play catch up was unbearable. I have been working on my philosophy assignment for about a month now and I still don't have whole assignment done. And believe it or not this assignment need to be in his mail box first thing tomorrow morning!!! ::: AHHHH, SCREAMING AND PULLING MY HAIR::

Alright bloggers & blogettes we shall reconvene on another time and I will be sure to inform you more about me.